SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
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* Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
* duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
* permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
* as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
* and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
* successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
* rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
* flight/proto.h $Revision: 1.12 $
* prototypes for flight routines
#ifndef __PROTO_H__
#define __PROTO_H__
/************************** prototypes for color.c ***************************/
void setup_colormaps();
void init_color_tables();
void init_normal_colormap(float div);
void save_map();
void restore_map();
unsigned long rgb2cpack(short r, short g, short b);
void load_rgb_table(int i, short r, short g, short b);
/*************************** prototypes for comm.c ***************************/
void partial_plane_move(Plane p0, Plane p1, float percent);
int read_infile(Plane p, float current_time);
/*************************** prototypes for cull.c ***************************/
* cull_sphere() returns TRUE if the sphere is outside the viewing frustom,
* FALSE other wise.
int cull_sphere(float *center, float radius);
* cull_shadow() returns TRUE if the shadow of plane pp is outside the
* viewing frustom, FALSE other wise.
int cull_shadow(Plane pp, float xf, float zf);
/************************** prototypes for flight.c **************************/
void calc_clip_planes(Matrix mat, float *eye_point);
/************************** prototypes for instr.c **************************/
* Add an instrument to the instrument list.
void append_list(int (*draw_func)(), int (*update_func)(), void *data);
* Erase the instrument list.
void kill_list();
* Initialize the instruments - set up some common data
void init_instruments();
* Set colors according to night/day
void set_instruments_time(int daytime);
* Call all drawing functions in the draw list after setting up
* viewing and lighting matrices.
void draw_instruments();
* Call all update functions in update list
void update_instruments(int forceupdate);
* Initialize the altimeter's private data and add its functions to
* the drawing lists
void init_altimeter(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
* Initialize the horizon's private data and add its functions to
* the drawing lists
void init_horizon(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_text_meter(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_stores_meter(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_airspeedmach_meter(float px, float py, float pz, float size,
float maxspeed, int machmeter, float maxmach,
float machstep, int nummachticks);
void init_airspeed_meter(float px, float py, float pz, float size,
float maxspeed);
void init_mach_meter(float px, float py, float pz, float size,
float maxmach, float machstep, int nummachticks);
void init_vertvel_meter(float px, float py, float pz, float size,
float maxvel, float divisions, int numsmallticks);
void init_radar(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_compass(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_thrustthrottle(float px, float py, float pz, float size,
float tickstep, int numticks);
void init_fuelgauge(float px, float py, float pz, float size, float maxfuel,
float tickstep, int numticks, int scale);
void set_fuelgauge(float maxfuel, float tickstep, int numticks, int scale);
void init_flapspoiler(float px, float py, float pz, float size,
int maxflap, int flaptickstep, int numflapticks,
int maxspoiler, int spoilertickstep, int numspoilerticks);
void set_flapspoiler(int maxflap, int flaptickstep, int numflapticks,
int maxspoiler, int spoilertickstep, int numspoilerticks);
void init_gear(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_gmeter(float px, float py, float pz, float size);
void init_wlight(float px, float py, float pz, float size, short *warning, char *label);
void draw_plate(object_t *obj, unsigned long mode);
/************************** prototypes for land1.c ***************************/
void init_window_size();
/*************************** prototypes for mat.c ***************************/
* Turn mat into an identity matrix.
void identify_matrix(Matrix mat);
* Multiply mat2 * mat1 and return result in mat2
void matrix_post_multiply(Matrix mat1, Matrix mat2);
* Multiply mat1 * mat2 and return result in mat2
void matrix_multiply(Matrix mat1, Matrix mat2);
* Premultiply mat by rotation matrix. Return result in mat.
void matrix_rotate(Matrix mat, int angle, char axis);
* Postmultiply mat by rotation matrix. Return result in mat.
void matrix_post_rotate(Matrix mat, int angle, char axis);
* Premultiply mat by translation matrix. Return result in mat.
void matrix_translate(Matrix mat, float x, float y, float z);
* multiply vector iv by a translation matrix mat. Return result in ov.
void mult_vec(Matrix mat, float iv[4], float ov[4]);
* print a matrix
void matrix_print(Matrix mat);
* find the position 'ov' that is 'len' away from 'iv0' in the direction of
* 'iv1'.
void vec_len(float *iv0, float *iv1, float len, float *ov);
/************************* prototypes for messages.c *************************/
void display_help();
void overlay_help();
void display_shadow_help();
void overlay_shadow_help();
void display_radar_help();
void overlay_radar_help();
void display_wait();
int pick_plane();
void display_score();
int wait_for_input();
int display_message(char **msg);
void display_message_no_wait(char **msg, int transparent);
/************************** prototypes for meters.c **************************/
void reset_meters();
void redraw_screen();
void init_meters();
void clear_text_display();
void draw_clear_meters();
void draw_slow_meters();
void draw_horizon_meter();
void draw_wing_stall();
void draw_g_limit();
void draw_auto_pilot();
void draw_crash_meters();
void draw_blanking();
void draw_meter(int val);
void draw_meter_bar(int val, int bar);
void draw_radar_objects();
void clear_report_area();
void clear_report();
void add_report_line(float x, float y, char *line);
void draw_report();
void draw_gforce_static();
void draw_gforce();
void init_meter_sizes();
void draw_meter_static();
void old_meters();
/************************* prototypes for objext.c ***************************/
void avg_verts(object_t *obj, float *cx, float *cy, float *cz);
void remap_obj(object_t *obj);
void remap_geom(geometry_t *g);
/************************** prototypes for radar.c ***************************/
void radar_start();
void radar_loop();
void radar_read_queue();
void reset_winodow_size();
void rebuild_ortho();
void do_pan(float dx, float dy);
void reset_radar_hist(radar_hist_t *rh);
Plane radar_find_closest_plane(float x, float z);
radar_hist_t *findit(Plane p);
void radar_text();
void gather_radar_history();
void radar_picture();
void draw_radar_world();
void draw_projectile();
void draw_triangle();
/************************* prototypes for uflight.c **************************/
void my_lookat(float vx, float vy, float vz, float px, float py, float pz,
Matrix resmat);
void set_f14_form(Plane pp);
void set_f15_form(Plane pp);
void set_f18_form(Plane pp);
void set_p38_form(Plane pp);
void set_ci_f16_form(Plane pp);
* draw the planes and their shadows that are visible
void draw_planes(float ex, float ey, float ez,
int start_plane, int num_planes);
void draw_missiles();
void draw_buildings(float ex, float ey, float ez);
void draw_threats();
void draw_everything(float ex, float ey, float ez,
int numplanes, int draw_self);
* add an object to the sort obj list
void add_obj(int type, float x, float y, float z, object_t *obj);
* sort an array (and an associated tag array) in increasing order
void sink_sort(int n, float *array, void **array_tag);
* generate a random number x, where -maxr <= x <= maxr
int flight_random(int maxr);
float range(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2);
#endif /* __PROTO_H__ */